Ale's is so happy to have made it through 2020. This was NOT a good year for service-oriented businesses and you have stuck by us, trusted us and even continued to recommend us. As we start our new year, we're going to start giving our Organizational Tips, again, to motivate you to help us.
Help us? HOW? The less clutter a home has, the easier it is to clean! And the easier it is to clean, the cleaner that it stays, the more comfortable it is, the more sanitary it becomes -- it is simply healthier for everyone.
The first step? The first step starts with Clutter and actually getting RID of stuff - not necessarily organizing it. We'll be here, with you, every step of the way - giving you hints on our Facebook page. Head on over there and give us a like -- and if you know someone who needs some help? We'd love to make a new friend (and you'll gain $25 towards your next cleaning!)

Pssst. Even though January is "Get Organized Month," we won't start until February to help you get your head in the game. Go find our Facebook page