Ale's Cleaning Service is hoping that you have learned a lot from our Facebook tips, this month. We've been giving out daily tips to our clients and friends. Little 15-minute jobs to help them focus, let go and have a home to be proud of. AND it will make it easier for us to clean, too! We charge more for houses that have a lot of "stuff" to move and clean under or that we have to fold and tidy and organize. You could save money, too!

Clutter in your home costs you money and steals time!
The average person spends one year of their life looking for lost things. Looking and spending that time results in tardiness, duplicate buying and frustration.
Clutter also hurts your social life and the desire to be hospitable, because you hesitate inviting people in your home.
It decreases downtime, because you don't feel relaxed and don't feel the "ahhhh" a home should provide at the end of the day.
It decreases cash flow, because you buy duplicates because you cannot find what you are looking for.
It depletes usable space because you dedicate entire rooms (or the garage) for storage.
We hope you have gotten rid of some clutter and have claimed back a couple of spaces in your home, this month. We are ALWAYS ready to reset you home - but it does start with you!